Mumbai University to use holograms on answer sheets

In a bid to eliminate the errors and publish the results of the exams on time the Mumbai University, which will continue with the onscreen assessment, will introduce holograms on the answer sheets. During the last year’s result fiasco, one of the reasons for the delay was that the sheets of the students could not be reconciled. In order to avoid such blunder, holograms containing the information of the students will be pasted on the answer sheets so that manual entry and related errors can be prevented. “Currently the answer sheets take in details through the bubble system where the students have to fill in the bubbles. This leads to several errors and reconciliation becomes difficult. Most institutes that use online assessment also have hologram system in place. So, we will introduce the system in the winter semester exam this year,” said Arjun Ghatule, acting director, Board of Examination and Assessment.
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