Admit cards for IGNOU TEE December 2019 released

Admit cards for the December Term End Exams (TEE) have been released by the Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU). Candidates who have applied for the exam can visit the official website and download the hall ticket for the exam.According to the schedule, December TEE will be held from December 2 to January 3, 2020 at various test centers across the nation.Steps to download the admit cards for IGNOU TEE December 2019 Visit the official website of IGNOU -- the homepage, click on the link which says ‘Hall Ticket for Dec 2019 Term End Examination’Enter your nine digit roll number and select programClick on the submit buttonYour admit card will be displayed on the screenDownload the admit card and take the print out of the same Permission to appear in the exam is subject to the following conditions: Candidate’s registration for the courses is valid and not time barredCandidate has submitted the required number of assignments in the course by the due dateCandidate has completed minimum time to pursue the coursesCandidate has paid the examination fee for all the courses he/she is appearing for. About IGNOU The Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) was established by an Act of Parliament in 1985 which aims to build an inclusive knowledge society through inclusive education.
Uttar Pradesh board is expected to issue the UP Board 12th Admit Card 2020 by the month of February 2020. UP Board High School Admit Card 2020 releases at the school login. That means, only the school heads can download the admit card for the desired students. UP Board provide the user id and password to the school heads. However, the students need to visit their respective schools to attain their admit card.