Delhi University seeks details of online classes

In a letter sent to the teachers of DU, the university is seeking feedback on the online classes. However, the Delhi University Teachers' Association (DUTA) said that teachers will not fill the form as it could be used to give green light to the online exams. The details of online classes are being collected by the HRD Ministry from all the Central Universities. In a letter to the VC of the university, the DUTA has requested to withdraw the letter. "We express our utter dismay at the approach taken by the university in the face of the pandemic with respect to conduct of online classes and the forthcoming semester examinations," the association wrote to the VC. The Assistant Registrar, Colleges has asked the colleges to provide a "list of courses for which online classes are being held with the help of Google Classroom, Google Hangouts, Google Meet or Zoom", it said. "The letter does not indicate as to the purpose for which this information is being sought, that too at such short notice. We wish to point out that the format sent out to the colleges reveals extreme shortsightedness as there is no attempt whatsoever to find out how students and teachers are coping with the abrupt closure of the university due to the pandemic and subsequent lockdown announced by the government," the DUTA said. The university has urged the teachers to remain in contact with the students and teachers complied by providing e-resources to the students via WhatsApp and e-mail. "The format expects teachers to answer questions in a manner that would reveal very little about the preparedness for exams or issues which they are facing," the DUTA said. "It appears that the administration is not able to appreciate the fact that the vast majority of our students face innumerable problems in accessing online classes for lack of internet services and laptops/smartphones," said DUTA to VC in a letter. The letter also highlighted the fact that the majority of students are not able to attend online classes due to poor connectivity. "Hence, to ask colleges to submit details of online classes on the format circulated is not only grossly misplaced but also indicates the complete lack of concern on the part of the authorities towards the well-being of students and teachers," the DUTA said. "Teachers, in any case, will not fill this information, which we believe could be manipulated to draw convenient conclusions in favor of the conduct of online examinations," it said.
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