Class 12th admit cards released by Jharkhand board

Admit cards for the class 12th board exams have been released by the Jharkhand Academic Council (JAC) however, students will not be able to download the exam hall tickets. Respective schools can download the hall tickets and then distribute them to the children. Board exams will commence in February.Board exams for class 12th will commence from February 11 and will be held in the afternoon session -- 2 pm to 5:15 pm. Exams for class 12th will conclude on February 28.For class 10th students, board exams will commence from February 11 and will conclude on February 28. All exams of class 10th students will be held in the morning session -- 9:45 am to 1 pm.Students of both classes -- 10th and 12th -- will be given an additional 15 minutes to read the question paper. Admit cards for the class 10th students will be released on January 23, 2020.Practical exams for both classes will commence from January 27 and will conclude on February 8, 2020.
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