First DIY ‘Artificial Intelligence’ kit developed by IIT-Delhi

CYRAN AI Solutions, IIT-Delhi’s deep tech startup has devised a do-it-yourself AI kit named BUDDHI (Build Understand Design Deploy Human-like Intelligence) which aligns perfectly with the syllabus prescribed by the CBSE in schools. Recently, CBSE has introduced AI as a subject in schools."A kit for the future!" tweeted Sanjay Dhotre, Minister of State for HRD. He also congratulated the entire research team for their hard work and innovation.The BUDDHI kit is the brainchild of Professor Manan Suri of IIT Delhi. He was also recognized by MIT, USA as one of the world's top 35 innovators under the age bracket of 35 years. "Like any evolving technology, there exists a gap between the promise, the hype, the capability and practical reality of AI. What makes this gap wide is the lack of resources to easily develop an intuitive insight on topics such as AI at an early stage. The motivation behind BUDDHI kit is to help young school students learn the practical aspects of a complex topic like AI in a friendly and simple manner," said Professor Suri. The kit can be used by students, tinkerers, makers, innovators, hobbyists, teachers, educationists, artists, parents and professionals alike, no matter their background. The kit is highly interactive and can be used to learn the basics of AI very quickly without any prior domain knowledge.
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