To facilitate online learning, DU integrates Google Classroom

Amid the current lockdown, many universities in the nation are adopting digital learning strategies to continue with academics. The latest in the list of universities is Delhi University which has now integrated Google services with the University’s domain. The two major apps which have been integrated are Google classes and Google hangouts.Other video-based collaboration services such as webex, Zoom, Loom, Skype, etc. are also available and these are available free of cost.Google classroom: It is a Learning Management System through which teachers can share documents such as doc, ppt, pdf etc., create assignments, share links, conduct online test (assessment). Teachers can also create multiple classes based on their requirements.Hangout: Hangout is a live video interaction service that can be run along with Google classroom. Using this, teachers can take live classes and can even share a laptop/mobile screen.Since this is the first time university using these services, the university has also provided a link through which teachers can learn about using these resources.Due to nationwide lockdown, most of the universities have suspended face-to-face teaching and interactions to prevent the spread of this outbreak. As per MHRD instructions, teaching and non-teaching staff of educational institutes have to work from home. Teachers have been asked to use digital resources for teaching, assessment and other evaluation work.
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