Haryana schools to spread drug awareness among the school children

The Haryana government with the help of Higher Education Department in the state will soon launch a special campaign to make students of all government and private colleges and universities aware of the harmful effects of the drug abuse. The Education Minister of Haryana, Ram Bilas Sharma, mentioned the drug awareness program yesterday and said that the state government is already spreading awareness about the same among the youth. As reported by the PTI, the minister said “there are laws to put a check on drug addiction and its abuse, it can be completely eliminated with good moral values and awareness among youth.” The education minister also said that teachers play an important role in the lives of the students and therefore they should make the students aware about the ill-effects of taking the drugs. The action plan for the same has been sent to the Registrars of universities and Principals of all government colleges, aided colleges, and self-financing colleges. The government has also asked the institutions to hold various activities such as rallies, street plays, slogan writing, essay writing, poster making events to spread awareness about the ill-effects of the drugs. The education minister also mentioned that the state police is taking strict measures against the people who are indulged in drug trafficking.
source https://www.brainbuxa.com/education-news/haryana-schools-to-spread-drug-awareness-among-the-school-children-8912
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