Tamanna' Aptitude Test For School Students developed by CBSE and NCERT

'Tamanna' aptitude test which stands for Try And Measure Aptitude And Natural Abilities has been developed by the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) and National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT), New Delhi. The aptitude test has been developed for the students of classes 9 and 10 to test their aptitude.The test has been developed under the aegis of Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD), Government of India and the pilot run of the same was done by the CBSE with 17,000 students studying in classes 9 and 10 in its various affiliated schools.MHRD said “Students, teachers and parents must keep in mind that the aptitude test provides information related to the strengths of students and there is no pass or fail in this test”. “The test should be taken voluntarily by interested students and must not be used to impose any subject, courses of study or vocations etc. on the students,” the ministry added further. "Each student is unique and differs from another. Students vary in terms of their physical characteristics such as height, weight, strength as well as in their psychological attributes like intelligence, aptitude, interest, and personality," HRD Minister Ramesh Pokhriyal 'Nishank' said in a document accompanying the module. "While, one may be outspoken another may be submissive, some may be creative and flexible while others may be precise and specific, some may excel in expressing their views while some others may do well in reasoning with numbers. It is these variations which makes each student unique and sets the base for their behavioral differences in different situations," he added. 'Tamanna' aptitude test consists of the following sub-tests: Language Aptitude (LA)Abstract Reasoning (AR)Verbal Reasoning (VR)Mechanical Reasoning (MR)Numerical Aptitude (NA)Spatial Aptitude (SA)Perceptual Aptitude (PA)
source https://www.brainbuxa.com/education-news/tamanna-aptitude-test-for-school-students-developed-by-cbse-and-ncert-9867