CSIR-IMTECH is inviting applications for the PhD programs

The Institute of Microbial Technology, Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) is inviting applications for the admissions to the PhD programs. The online application process will remain open until May 23. Candidates who are interested in applying for the programs can visit the imtech.res.in for more information. The interview test will be held from June 24 to July 12 at IMTECH, Chandigarh. The main aim of the test will be to access the candidate's knowledge, critical analysis, logical reasoning and aptitude skills for the scientific research. The results will be declared on the official website on July 17 and the academic session will commence from August 16. Candidate with Master’s Degree and with minimum aggregate 55 percent or equivalent CGPA in any branch of Life sciences / Biotechnology / Physics / Chemistry / Computer Sciences are eligible to apply. B.Tech/B.Pharma/BE students who fulfill the condition for the GATE-JRF fellowship are also eligible candidates for the program. Students who awaiting their final year MSc results can also apply for the program. Candidates will be required to have any of the following valid research fellowships -- CSIR/ UGC NET or DBT JRF examination ('A' Category) or DST INSPIRE Fellowship or ICMR JRF examination or other equivalent fellowship.
source https://www.brainbuxa.com/education-news/csir-imtech-is-inviting-applications-for-the-phd-programs-9382
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