JEE Advanced 2019 registrations begin

The registration window for the JEE Advanced 2019 exam is now available. Candidates who have successfully qualified the JEE Mains 2019 exam can now apply for the JEE Advanced 2019 exam. The window to apply for the JEE Advanced exam is small and hence students are advised to complete the registration process as soon as possible and not wait for the last date. The last date to apply for the exam is May 9, 2019 and the last date to pay the fee for the exam is May 10, 2019. Steps to register for the JEE Advanced 2019 exam Visit the official website of the JEE Advanced -- using your JEE Mains 2019 roll no and date of birthCreate a new password for the successful registrationFill in the details displayed on the screenMention the number of attempts, the requirement of the scribe (if any), exam center, the language of exam and category. JEE Advanced 2019 application fee SC, ST, PwD and Female candidates: INR 1300 For all other candidates: INR 2600 Candidates can pay the application fee using the Credit Card/ Debit Card/ Internet Banking/ E-banking. Candidates can also pay the application fee using the e-challan. For this, candidates are required to take the print out of the challan and deposit the amount in the nearest SBI branch. Admit cards for the exam will be released on May 20 and the exam is scheduled for May 27.
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