UGC asked educational institutions to upload the data under the National Academic Depository Scheme

In one of its recent notifications, UGC has asked the educational institutions to upload a copy of their fresh data under the National Academic Depository (NAD) Scheme. NAD is an online depository for storing the degree, diplomas, certificates, mark-sheets of the students in digital format in the cloud which are awarded by the institution/s. The main aim of the NAD is to keep the degrees and certificates of the students safe maintaining the integrity of the documents and facilitating 24x7 online retrieval. NAD consists of two databases namely -- NSDL Database Management Limited (NDML) and CDSL Ventures Limited (CVL). UGC was appointed by the government of India as the overseeing body for implementing and maintaining the project. In a letter dated Nov 24, 2016, UGC had asked all the academic institutions (central universities, Institutions of national importance, state universities, private universities, deemed to be universities and school boards etc.) to enter into Service Level Agreement (SLA) with either of the depository for on-boarding on NAD. According to the UGC, to date, more than 1000 institutions have entered into SLA and have uploaded their data on NAD. To make the implementation of the NAD all-inclusive, UGC has asked the institutions to take the following steps and inform the governing body accordingly: If any institution/s has not signed the SLA then they are required to sign it latest by June 15, 2019, and upload the legacy data by July 31, 2019.Appoint nodal officers for the implementation of NAD and share the details of the Nodal officersProvide the hyperlink for the NAD -- on the homepage of the website.The institution must provide the NAD ID to the students which can be used to map the awards with the studentsCreate awareness among the students about NAD through lectures, seminars, events etc.Provide University/College wise enrollment of the students from 2017-18 on the email:
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