Andhra Pradesh board released hall tickets for Intermediate Exam

Hall tickets for the Andhra Pradesh first year and second-year intermediate theory exams have been released. Candidates can download the hall tickets from the official website – The exams will commence on March 4 and will be held until March 21.Direct link for the hall tickets: "Arts students having attendance below 60% must contact principal to pay condonation. Arts, Science and Vocational students having attendance between 60% and 75% must contact the principal to pay condonation," said the Board.First-year intermediate exam date sheet March 4, 2020: Second language paper-IMarch 6, 2020: English paper-IMarch 9, 2020: Mathematics paper-IA, Botany paper-I, Civics paper-IMarch 12, 2020: Mathematics paper-IB, Zoology paper-I, History paper-IMarch 14, 2020: Physics paper-I, Economics paper-IMarch 17, 2020: Chemistry paper-I, Commerce paper-I, Sociology paper-I, Finer Arts, Music paper-IMarch 19, 2020: Public Administration Paper-I, Logic paper-I, Bridge Course Maths paper-I (for BiPC candidates)March 21, 2020: Modern Language paper-I and Geography Paper-I. Second-year intermediate exam date sheet March 5, 2020: Second language paper-IIMarch 7, 2020: English paper-IIMarch 11, 2020: Mathematics paper-IIA, Botany paper-II, Civics Paper-IIMarch 13, 2020: Mathematics paper-IIB, Zoology Paper-II, History paper-IIMarch 16, 2020: Physics paper-II, Economics paper-IIMarch 18, 2020: Chemistry paper-II, Commerce paper-II, Sociology paper-II, Fine Arts, Music paper-IIMarch 20, 2020: Public Administration paper-II, Logic Paper-II, Bridge Course Maths paper-IIMarch 23, 2020: Modern Language paper-II, Geography Paper-II
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