Bihar Class 12 compartment exams results declared

BSEB, Bihar School Examination Board, has declared the results of the class 12 compartment exams. Candidates who have appeared for the exams can now visit the official websites -- or can check their respective results. Around 1.55 lakh candidates appeared for the compartment exams, which were held between July 13 to 20. According to the reports, only 38.78 percent (59000) of the total students were able to pass the exams of which 25,000 are the girls. Passing marks In order to be declared as pass, a candidate is required to score minimum 30 percent marks in the theory and 40 percent of the total marks in the practicals. Steps to check the results Visit any one of the official websites as mentioned aboveClick on your respective streamEnter your roll noClick on the submit buttonThe result will be displayed on the screenDownload the result and take the print out of the same for future reference Grace marks In case, a student fails in one subject by not more than 8 percent of the marks or in two subjects by not more than 4 percent of the marks in each subject, he/she is given the grace marks by the board. The results of the main BSEB class 12 exams were declared by the board on June 6.
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