UP Board 2018 board exams | Class 10th compartment results declared

The results of the compartment and improvement exams for the students of class 10 have been released by the Uttar Pradesh Madhyamik Shiksha Parishad (UPMSP). Students who have appeared for the exams can now visit the official website -- upmsp.edu.in and check their respective results. The compartment and improvement exams were held in the month of June and July. Compartment exams were conducted for the students who had failed the class 10th exams which and improvement exams were conducted for the students who wish to improve their scores in the main exams. Steps to check the results Visit the official website as mentioned aboveClick on the notification which says ‘UP Board High School (Class X) Compartment / Improvement Results 2018’Enter the seven digit roll number and the security code as provided on the screenClick on the show resultThe result will be displayed on the screenDownload the result and take the print out of the same
source https://www.brainbuxa.com/education-news/up-board-2018-board-exams-class-10th-compartment-results-declared-8590
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