JNUTA | The university is trying to suppress our voices

The teachers association at the JNU university said that the university is trying to suppress the voice of the elected teacher representatives. The administration of the university has issued a show cause notice to the 48 teachers for participating in a strike on July 31 against the policies of the university. The decision to issue a notice to the teachers was taken at the Executive Council meeting, said JNU Professor Ayesha Kidwai. The teachers association said “it takes serious note of the extremely hostile attitude of the University Administration towards teachers reflected in the 275th Executive Council Meeting. After trying to suppress the voice of elected teacher representatives, the Administration pushed for several anti-teacher decisions and ratification of such decisions already made by the Vice-Chancellor. In what must be a record of sorts, illegitimate denial of even stage-change promotions of 4 Assistant Professors were brought to the EC for ratification but no explanation was forthcoming about the grounds on which their outstanding academic records were completely overlooked.” The association further said that the administration is working to solve the problems which it itself has created. "Once again, the Vice Chancellor got the EC to approve the addition of several names to panels of experts for selection committees without these names being approved by the Centers or even by the Academic Council," association said. It further added that the decision to hold online entrance exams involving the outside experts was taken without proper discussions, opinions, and evaluating its financial implication on the university and students. "On the other hand, the Administration failed to itself bring on the agenda the issue of a disastrous cut in grants. When this matter was raised, the Administration admitted to the fact of the cut - from over Rs 8 crores to 1.7 crores - but treated it as if this was a minor matter," it added. The teachers said that they will not be intimidated and they have proved it time and again.
source https://www.brainbuxa.com/education-news/jnuta-the-university-is-trying-to-suppress-our-voices-8631
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