CAT 2018 | JNU to accept CAT scores for its MBA program

JNU announced itself as the new entrant on the list of institutes which accept CAT scores for giving admissions into the MBA programs. JNU VC, Mamidala Jagadesh Kumar, confirmed the same with the tweet. The official notification for the CAT 2018 exam has been released and the registration for the same will begin from August 8, 2018 and the last date of registration is September 19, 2018. This year, CAT is scheduled for November 25, 2018. It is a computer-based exam which is divided into three sections namely: Section I: Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension (VARC) Section II: Data Interpretation and Logical Reasoning (DILR) Section III: Quantitative Ability (QA) The paper consists of 100 questions and is conducted in two shifts. In order to ensure that students of one shift are not at disadvantage, the authorities normalize the scores obtained by the students and the results are released in the form of percentile. After the results are declared, each IIM and non-IIM announces its criteria for selecting the students and students have to apply institute of the desired institute separately.
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