CSIR declared the UGC-NET June 2018 exam result

The result for the Joint CSIR-UGC NET Exam, which was held in June 2018 is now available on the official website. Candidates who have appeared for the exam can visit the official website and check their result using their respective roll number. The official website of the CSIR is -- csirhrdg.res.in. Apart from releasing the qualifying status of the candidates, the ranks for the JRF have also been released. Steps to check the results Visit the official website of the CSIR as mentioned aboveOn the homepage, click on the Joint CSIR-UGC NET Exam June 2018 Result linkA PDF file containing the list of roll number will openCheck the PDF for your roll number to know the status of your result. According to the reports, 1991 candidates have successfully qualified the Joint CSIR-UGC NET Exam. These candidates are also eligible for the Lectureship-NET in their respective chosen subject for the exam. Only 59 candidates have qualified in the test for fellowship. 3756 candidates have successfully cleared the eligibility test for Lectureship-NET and they are eligible for recruitment as a lecturer as well as for JRF-Ship in a Scheme/Project. These candidates are not eligible for a regular JRF-NET Fellowship. 3756 candidates have successfully cleared the eligibility test for Lectureship-NET and they are eligible for recruitment as a lecturer as well as for JRF-Ship in a Scheme/Project. These candidates are not eligible for a regular JRF-NET Fellowship.
source https://www.brainbuxa.com/education-news/csir-declared-the-ugc-net-june-2018-exam-result-8891
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