Young minds should be encouraged to think freely: Venkaiah Naidu

Addressing the 95th annual convocation of the Delhi University, Vice President Venkaiah Naidu encouraged the young minds to think freely. “We need to re-engineer our education system. ‘One size fits allʼ approach will not take us anywhere. We have to encourage our young people to think freely. We cannot keep forcing the same syllabus on a student who excels in science and a student who is a savant in music,” said Naidu. “Only half the time of a student should be spent in classrooms, the other half should be spent in the playground, in the society, in nature and in the open air. Only then will his or her education be complete,” the Vice President said. Addressing the convocation Naidu said “I urge students to not let your degrees and mark lists limit you. This is just yourfoundation. What you build from here, what you choose to be and do inlife is totally upto you. Let nothing curb your dreams or restrict your thirstfor excellence.” “India has undertaken a long journey in the field ofeducation, from the Guru–Shishya Parampara of learning under theshadow of a tree to becoming the third largest in the world in the field ofhigher education, next to the US and China,” Naidu said. Naidu praised the university’s efforts for encouraging education among women and its commitment towards nation building. “It is truly noteworthy that the vision and mission of Delhi university reflect its long-term commitment to nation-building and universal human values. The values of the university are reflected in its motto: ‘Nishtha Dhriti Satyamʼ, Dedication, Steadfastness and Truth,” Vice President said. “I am happy to know that Delhi university places great focus on educating young women. A number of brilliant young women won medals and prizes today. With universities like DU promoting women’s education, I am sure that the future of our country is secure,” said Naidu.
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