Conducting exams on WhatsApp; JNUTA reaches out to Ram Nath Kovind

JNUTA reaches out to Ram Nath Kovind over the issue of conducting exams on WhatsApp. On Wednesday, the Jawaharlal Nehru University Teachers’ Association (JNUTA) wrote to the President against the administration’s decision to conduct exams via WhatsApp. They said that move will make JNU “the laughingstock of academia the world over”.As students of the university are boycotting the exams the university decided to send question papers to the students through email,and they are expected to respond with the answers via WhatsApp. “It may be considered shocking that a vice-chancellor of an institution of higher learning could even imagine reducing the evaluation system to something like this, which would never be acceptable as a credible exercise… We, however, keep learning there are no limits to the absurdities Prof Jagadesh Kumar can inflict on the institution he heads. By asking teachers to participate in this travesty, he wants us to join him in destroying the JNU’s hard-earned reputation for maintaining high academic standards,” the JNUTA wrote. “He is also in the process asking us to join him in violating the provisions of the JNU Act, Statutes and Ordinances that the V-C and teachers are bound by. These define the process through which the academic requirements of different courses and programmes, including the evaluation systems, are to be decided…. ,” they added.“JNU’s teaching-learning was one of the most significant casualties of Professor M. Jagadesh Kumar’s autocracy. Today he has offered the starkest evidence of this by proposing a mockery of that process as his solution to the crisis in JNU. JNU’s teachers appeal to you to see that Professor M. Jagadesh Kumar’s continuation in office is also doing great damage to your standing as Visitor of the University….we request you again, and through you also to the MHRD, to please act and act immediately to abort this destruction of a premier public institution,” the JNUTA said.
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