HRD Ministry suggested setting up National Madarsa Board

In an attempt to capture the details of the unregistered Madarsas in the nation and to bring under the same system to ensure their academic standards, HRD Ministry’s NMCME has suggested setting up a national level Madarsa board. The idea to capture the unregistered Madarsa was suggested by the member of National Monitoring Committee for Minoritiesʼ Education (NCME) Afzar Shamsi. “There are two types of Madarsas, one which is ‘registeredʼ which are roughly 20 percent and the other one are ‘unregisteredʼ which are around 80 percent. All the data which the government is having is based on registered Madarsas,” Shamsi said, as quoted by the minutes of the meeting. “There is a need to capture the details of the unregistered Madarsas and bring them within the ambit of registration so that a clear picture is available,” he added. Another member Jamshid Khan said, “Madarsa boards in some states are defunct. While some states have these boards, some like Maharashtra do not have any Madarsa board”. “It is suggested that there should be an all-India level Madarsa board with a suitable system for accreditation to ensure academic standards,” Jamshid added. “Madarsa should be linked with skill development council. In order to facilitate the spread of information amongst the Madarsas besides making it available on the website, there should also be a move to spread an awareness campaign in their areas in which we members can contribute,” another panel member Suman Kumar said. The NCME meeting was chaired by the Union Human Resource Development Minister Prakash Javadekar. The main function of the NCME is to monitor the schemes aimed for the welfare of the minority community.
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