Friday, September 14, 2018

IIT-B and IBM joined hands for research in AI

IIT-B and IBM joined hands for research in AI

The Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay has joined hands with the tech giant International Business Machines with a purpose of carrying out advanced researches in the field of Artificial Intelligence. With the collaboration, the institute has become the ninth institute to join AI horizon networks -- a research collaborative of the IBM. Under the new partnership, the department of Computer Science and Engineering at IIT-B will select the students and pair them up with the scientists from the IBM Research India which will help accelerate and discover new applications of AI, machine learning, natural learning process and related technologies. Teams will investigate the new techniques of representing the knowledge on graphs, documents, charts and other multi-media devices and will built applications in retail and health-care industries. Devang Khakhar, the director, IIT-B, said: “The partnership will enable the IIT Bombay faculty to work in collaboration with researchers around the world on the frontiers of Artificial Intelligence focusing on industrially relevant problems and provide access to large data sets. We look forward to a fruitful collaboration, which will make a significant impact on the field.” IIT-B is the only network outside North America to be included in the AI horizons network.


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