Admission for EWS category to commence from tomorrow in Delhi Schools

The admissions for the Economically Weaker Sections (EWS) category and the Disadvantaged Group will commence from tomorrow. The admissions are done by the Delhi's Directorate of Education (DoE) in private schools which are built on government land. The admission will continue until March 4, 2019. The DoE has already issued the guidelines for the online admission process for the students belonging to EWS category. “The application forms will be available on the DoE's website from Tuesday and the last date of submission of forms is March 4,” the DoE said in its circular. The first list of the selected candidates will be released on March 15, 2019. "Earlier, the Private Unaided Recognized Schools running on the land allotted by DDA/other Government agencies had been following the manual procedure for admission of EWS in the neighborhood to the extent of 20 per cent in the fresh admission in classes II onwards," the DoE said. "It was decided to fill all such vacancies/seats available under free-ship quota through computerized draw of lots after inviting online applications, in the similar manner as is being done in case of admissions at the entry-level classes under EWS/DG category in Private Unaided Recognized Schools," it added. "Any person residing in Delhi, having the residence proof of Delhi and requisite Income Certificate (less than one lakh rupees annually) issued by the Revenue Department of Delhi, BPL/AAY (Ration Card/Food Security Card holder) are eligible for applying in these Private Unaided Recognized Schools for admission of their ward under Economically Weaker Section Category," an official from the Education Department said.
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