CBSE board exams 2019: Preparation hacks for the class 12th English exam

CBSE’s class 12 exams are all set to commence from February 12, 2019. The board has also released the admit cards of the students and they can collect the same from their respective schools. Private candidates ,however, will have to download their admit cards from the CBSE’s official website -- The students of class 12 will appear for their English exam on March 2, 2019. For many, English is a difficult subject but by preparing methodically, it is easy to score good marks in the subject. Steps to prepare for the English class 12 exam Candidates are advised to utilize the 15-minute window given during the exam to read the questions. Instead of remembering the answer to the literature questions they should try and understand the reading comprehensionCreate a flow chart to mark the main events of the invisible man as this will help you in quick revision before the examProper note making is important, therefore do not leave them for last minuteNotice, posters and advertisements must always be presented in a box formatAdhere to the word limits mentioned in the question paper. Too less and too much will lead to loss of marksWhen answering the questions from the writing and literature section, write them in paragraphs instead of a single continuous contentPresentation of the answer must be neat and properSpare at least 10 minutes in the exam to revise all the answer before handling your answer sheets to the invigilator.
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