CBSE uploaded counseling videos to help know the children better

CBSE has uploaded a comprehensive audio-visual presentation titled 'Knowing Children Better' on its official website. According to the CBSE, the presentation deals with the various real-time experiences and problems of the adolescents and also suggest various coping strategies which can be used by the parents to help their children. The videos are available on the official website and can be accessed under the counseling tab. The official website of the CBSE is As of now, CBSE has uploaded the 10 videos on its website with the following titles: Young VoicesAggressionDepressionExam Anxiety Oh My God!Internet Addiction DisorderSpecific Learning DisabilitySubstance Use DisorderLife SkillsIt's Up To You. In another development, the board has announced a counseling facility for the children who are preparing for the board exams. "For the 22nd consecutive year, the CBSE will provide Pre-Examination psychological counseling services to students and parents. The program is designed as part of the board's outreach program which caters to the heterogeneous students' and parent's population and a vast geographical network of schools," the Board said in a statement. The counseling services for the students have already begun and will remain in effect until April 4, 2019, and will help the students overcome the exam anxiety. From this year, CBSE has also introduced IVRS facility on a toll-free number -- 1800 11 8004.
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