Download now; Hall tickets for the AP ECET 2019 exam released

The released of the hall tickets for the AP ECET 2019 exam has been postponed by the AP State Council of Higher Education (AP SCHE). According to the new schedule, the hall tickets for the exam will now be released on April 20. The council has also postponed the exam which was scheduled on April 19. According to the new date, the exam will now be held on April 30, 2019.Andhra Pradesh Engineering Common Entrance Test (AP ECET) is for the diploma holders and B.Sc. Graduates and is conducted by the Jawaharlal Nehru Technical University (JNTU).The exam is objective in nature and contains 200 questions for a total of 200 marks.The marks distribution for the engineering stream is as follows: Mathematics - 50 marksPhysics - 25 marksChemistry - 25 marksEngineering (Civil/ Electrical/ Mechanical/ Electronics & Communications/ Computer Science/ Chemical/Metallurgical/ Mining/ Electronics & Instrumentation/ Ceramic Technology/ Bio technology - 100 marks For the pharmacy stream, the distribution is as follows: Pharmaceutics -50 marksPharmaceutical Chemistry - 50 marksPharmacognosy - 50 marksPharmacology - 50 marks For the B.Sc. Courses, the distribution of marks is: Mathematics - 100 marksAnalytical Ability - 50 marksCommunicative English - 50 marks
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