Students’ feedback on COMEDK exam 2018

On Sunday, more than 62,000 students appeared for the COMEDK exam. According to most of the students in Bengaluru, the exam was easier than the CET exam and last year’s COMEDK exam. Students told that Physics and Mathematics were easier than the chemistry paper. Hemakalash M, one of the COMEDK takers from KLE Nijalingappa College in Rajajinagar, said, “Physics and Mathematics were easier sections as most questions were direct and from the textbooks. The exam was easier than CET this year.” Harish B, another aspirant also said, “Physics was easy but although Mathematics was easy, it was lengthy. Chemistry was tougher, overall COMEDK was easier than CET.” Snehal Shyamsukha, a student from ISC board who took the test said, “CET was tough maybe because that was my first competitive exam. COMEDK felt an easy task also because I got more time to prepare after taking CET. I hoping to get a better rank because the number of candidates who have appeared for COMEDK is also less than that in CET.” Faraz Rabbani who came from Andhra Pradesh to take the test in Dayanand Sagar College of Engineering said “We took anight train and reached the test center at 7:30 ambecause I did not want to take any risk. Although I feltMathematics to be difficult and time taking, the examwas good because Physics was easy to write.” Madhav Jivrajan, a computer science engineeringaspirant said “The exam was easier because more questions were application based and not memory based, excepting the Chemistry section. Mathematics was lengthy but Physics was easiest. A lot of questions in all the sections were straight out from NCERT syllabus.” The exam was conducted on large scale, in 29 centers across the country.
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