GATE 2019 | Check all the important details about the exam

IIT Madras will conduct the Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE) 2019 to determine the eligibility of the candidates who wish to join the masters and direct doctoral programs offered by the various IITs and IISCs of the nation in various branches of engineering, technology, architecture and science. The GATE score is also used by the several PSUs such as BHEL, GAIL, HAL, IOCL, ONGC, etc. for the direct recruitment of the candidates in these organizations. Next year, the exam will be conducted in 24 subjects on 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 9th of February 2019. The score of the GATE exam remains valid for the three years. The registrations for the exam are done via GATE Online Application Processing System (GOAPS) and certain universities such as RWTH Aachen and TU Munich requires the GATE score before they consider the Indian nationals for the admission into the postgraduate courses. Educational qualification For the GATE exam, there is no age limit and the candidate must have a graduate level degree in BE, BTech, BPharmacy, BArch, BSc (Research), BS, MA, MSc, MCA, Int MSc or Int BSMS. Exam pattern The GATE exam is held for the three hours. A total of 65 questions are asked with a total weight of 100 marks and candidates are given three hours to attend the exam. The exam tests the candidates in general aptitude, engineering mathematics and core engineering area of the candidate. The exam consists of questions in the form of MCQs and fill in the blanks. While MCQs have negative marking for the wrong answer fill in the banks do not impose any such penalties. Important dates GOAPS opens: September 1, 2018 Last date for submission of online application: September 21, 2018 Last date for requesting a change of examination city: November 16, 2018 Admit card availability: January 4, 2019
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