UGC NET 2018 | More than 11 lakh students appeared; Answer keys to be expected soon

Yesterday CBSE successfully conducted UGC NET exam and more than 11 lakh students appeared for the exam which was conducted in 84 different subjects. From this year, two major changes were introduced in the exam. CBSE reduced the number of papers from 3 to 2. Earlier, there used to be three papers (Paper -1 of general nature and Paper – 2 & Paper – 3 from the subject opted by the candidates among 84 subjects) in UGC NET and from this year onward there will be only two objective papers (Paper -1 of general nature and Paper – 2 from the subject opted by the candidates among 84 subjects). From old format, paper 2 containing 50 questions and paper 3 containing 75 questions have been merged into paper 2 containing 100 questions (new format). The duration of Paper 1 is also reduced from 1.25 hours to 1 hours. From December 2018 onward, National Testing Agency will be in charge of conducting the UGC NET. According to the UGC NET policy, 6 percent of the candidates appeared in both papers,who will obtain minimum qualifying marks will be declared as NET qualified and will be issued certificates by the UGC. The response sheets and answer sheets are expected to be released by the CBSE in the month of August. As per a release from the CBSE, there were 2,082 examination centers across the country. To keep strict vigil, a total of 2,864 observers and 675 Board’s officials were deputed on these centers.
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