Lisbon Physics Olympiad |India won five gold medals

India gave its best performance ever at the 49th International Physics Olympiad (IPhO 2018) in Lisbon, where it bagged five gold medals. The Olympiad was held in Portugal, between July 21 and 28 and this was India’s best performance ever at the IPHO in 21 years. A total of 86 countries participated in the event and India and China each won five gold medals in the Olympiad. According to a statement from Homi Bhabha Centre for Science Education (HBCSE), the national center of the Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (TIFR) and the nodal center in the country for all science Olympiads a total of 396 students took part in the event from around the world. HBCSE, which selects the teams and train them for the Olympics said that Two boys from Kota (Lay Jain and Pawan Goyal), one from Mumbai (Bhaskar Gupta), one from Rajkot (Nishant Abhangi) and one from Kolkata (Siddharth Tiwary) bagged the gold medals. The exam consists of theoretical and experimental exams, each of which is of five hours duration and this year, the theory exam had questions from: LIGO detection of gravitational wavesThe ATLAS instrument at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC)The physics of blood flow in living tissues and growth of tumors.
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