UGC directed the universities to send annual return on the cases related to sexual harassment

UGC has directed all the universities of the nation to send an annual return (till March 31, 2018) on the cases related to sexual harassment. The last date for the universities to send the report is July 31. The information gathered from the reports will be compiled and send to the government of India. In 2015, UGC also mandated for the colleges and universities to constitute an Internal Complaint Committee (ICC) and a Special Cell, which will especially address the issues related to the gender-based violence. These bodies are also responsible for conducting the gender sensitization program. Apart from sending the report on sexual harassment, in accordance with UGC (Prevention, Prohibition, and Redressal of Sexual Harassment of Women Employees and Students in Higher Educational Institutions) Regulations, 2015, universities are also required to send details pertaining to the constitution of ICC. In the report, Universities are required to furnish details such as the number of cases of sexual harassment reported to the committee, number of cases which were disposed of, and number of cases which were left pending for more than 90 days and actions taken by the universities to respond to the cases related to sexual harassment.
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