Learn the Truth - Toll charges to be levied if waiting time surpasses the 3 minutes limit

In India hoax spreads like a fire in the forest and with the facility of modern day technology spreading the hoax has become as simple as clicking a send/post button on the social media. Not only a hoax spreads like an epidemic but people also believe in them like they are the eternal truth further spread the message among other communities and family members. The Hoax The recent hoax talks about the exemption of the toll charges if the vehicle has wait in line for more than 3 minutes. Many rejoiced on the news as Indian highways are busy and 3 minutes is not much of a time limit dreaming th...
source https://www.brainbuxa.com/blog/learn-the-truth-toll-charges-to-be-levied-if-waiting-time-surpasses-the-3-minutes-limit
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