AICTE recommends not to increase the seats under civil and mechanical engineering discipline

While the draft on Education Policy promises to change the face of the Indian education system, AICTE has come up with certain recommendations of its own with an attempt to change the face of the Indian education system. The recommendation from the AICTE came after studying the gap between engineering education and industry needs. One of the most important recommendations made by the AICTE was not to increase the seats in the engineering colleges. Citing low capacity utilization, AICTE recommended that no new seats should be added from the 2020 academic year and the addition of the new capacity (new seats) will be reviewed after every two years. Addressing the issue of the applications which have already been submitted for capacity increase, AICTE said 'applications made in the current year and the past two years may be considered for starting institutions if the infrastructure is already in place.' The report also states that the traditional engineering disciplines such as Mechanical, and Civil are witnessing fewer enrollments in comparison to the branches such as Computer Science and Engineering, Aerospace Engineering, Mechatronics etc and recommends that institutes should convert the current capacity in traditional branches to emerging new technologies. AICTE also recommended training the existing teachers at teachers training institutes, using quality improvement programs (QIP) and using IIT/NIT faculty and infrastructure. To improve the pedagogy, AICTE has recommended that certification/ diploma/ degree in education should be made compulsory for the engineering faculty. To boost the industry-academia interaction, AICTE has recommended that at least two industry representatives should be a part of the advisory board of each institution.
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