UP Board: Class 10th compartment and improvement results declared

The results of the UP Board class 10th compartment exams have been declared by the Uttar Pradesh Madhyamik Shiksha Parishad (UPMSP). Students who had appeared in the exams can visit the official website -- upmsp.edu.in and check their results. UPMSP has also declared the results for the improvement exams. Improvement exams were held for the students who had failed in one subject in the official exams. In case of compartment exams, students get to appear in one of the two subjects in which he/she has failed. "70 students registered for the high school compartment examination of which 54 appeared and 43 (79.63%) passed. Similarly, in the improvement examination, of the total 16,333 registered for the exam, 14,629 appeared and 14,607 cleared the same registering the pass percentage at 99.85%," media reports quoted UP Board Secretary Nina Srivastava saying. UP Board is also the first board to release the date-sheet for the 2020 board exams. Class 10th exams of the UP Board will commence from February 18 and will conclude on March 3. Class 12th exams of the Up Board will commence on February 19 and will conclude on March 6, 2020. The exams will be conducted in two shifts on each day. The first shift will start at 8:00 am and end at 11:15 am and the second shift will start at 2:00 pm and end at 5:15 pm. Students of class 10th will have Hindi as their first exam and IT/IES as their second exam and class 12th students will have Hindi and General Hindi as their first exam and their exams will end with vocational subjects March 6, 2020.
source https://www.brainbuxa.com/education-news/up-board-class-10th-compartment-and-improvement-results-declared-9624
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