To prevent cheating, UP government to launch the answer sheets with different colored lines

In order to prevent the malpractices during the secondary examinations, the government of UP has decided to introduce answer sheets with lines having different colors. This step is taken by the Uttar Pradesh Madhyamik Shiksha Parishad in order to prevent the replacement of the answer copies. During the exams, it has become a practice for the students to procure the last year blank answer sheets from the copying mafia and replace them with the original answer sheets given during the exams. Now, with answer sheets having lines of different colors this practice would be reduced to a minimum extent. Secretary of the UP Board, Neena Srivastava, said: "The main answer sheet of high school will be of one colour while the additional answer sheets ('B' or 'C') will have lines of different colours. Similarly, the main and additional answer sheets of intermediate examinations will also have lines of different colors. This will end the possibility of the use of pre-written answer sheets." She further added that this step is in line with the continuous efforts made by the state to prevent any malpractice during the exams. The state government has already taken steps such as installing CCTV cameras and voice recorder at the examination center and allocating exam center online which has helped in keeping the copying mafia at bay to a large extent.
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