CBSE started a campaign to sensitize students about the environment

In an attempt to make students more aware of the environment, the HRD Ministry has made it mandatory for all primary to senior secondary schools to have Youth and Eco clubs. The financial support for the activities of the club will be provided by the government. “Establishing Youth and Eco clubs in all Government Schools, from Primary to Senior Secondary. Financial support will be provided to conduct the club activities. Participation in these clubs will make students more productive and aware of the environment,” tweets HRD Ministry. CBSE has also issued a notice in which it has asked its affiliated schools to create Eco clubs and strengthen them where they already existed.The theme for the Eco club activities for the session 2019-20 will be ‘Conservation of Water’. CBSE has also asked the schools to encourage the students to take water conservation activity and save 1 liter of water every day at home and in school."All activities under SEWA for classes 9th to 12th have to mandatorily have Water Conservation as the only theme for the session 2019-20," said CBSE.Schools are also required to set the target to become water-efficient in the coming three years. Along with this, CBSE has also launched a massive tree plantation campaign ‘One Child, One Plant’ campaign. According to the campaign, each student is required to plant one sapling wherever they find it convenient- at home or at school.
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