Semester system for SOL and NCWEB approved by the DU Executive Council

On Saturday, Delhi University's executive council approved the semester system of examination for School of Open Learning (SOL) and Non-Collegiate Women's Education Board (NCWEB).The changes will be implemented from the current academic session.Some of the members are against the decision as the session has already begun and study material has already been handed over. The official form the Council said “After the introduction of semester system under the choice based credit system (CBCS) scheme in NCWEB for undergraduate students, the semester examination will be conducted at par with the regular students and all teaching centers of NCWEB shall be the examination centre for its students”. The date-sheet for the semester examination for the UG students of the NCWEB will be released by the examination wing. The notification for the schedule of examinations and filling of examination forms will at par with the regular semester students.The official further added “The semester examinations for all three undergraduate honors programs available in SOL shall be conducted along with regular examinations as per the existing practice for conducting the examination of SOL in annual mode”.The exams will be conducted at the same time with the regular exams so that extra workload can be avoided, the official said. The evaluation for the honors course will be done by the Central Evaluation Centers since the number of seats in honors stream in SOL are limited.
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