For the Midday meal scheme in UP, kids to grow fruits and vegetables

In a novel experiment, students of all the government schools in UP will grow fruits and vegetables in their own kitchen garden and will bring them to be included in the midday meal program. The instructions have been issued by the Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD) for classes up to standard 8. "When children will work hard to grow vegetables and are asked to eat them, the vegetable will taste different to them for the simple reason that they would already have had developed the connect," said an official in the Education department. The idea behind the scheme is to boost the nutritional value of the midday meal and to encourage students to grow plants, vegetables and fruits. MHRD also said that schools, which do not have land available can raise terrace garden and use pots, containers or bags. Gardens will be managed by the children with the help of staff and teachers. "The MHRD will allocate Rs. 5,000 per year per school for the purpose and each school will have to work out its own plan considering what variety of vegetables or fruits can be grown in the locality," said Anupma Jaiswal, Minister for Basic Education in UP. The midday meal scheme of the government has already been a success story which increased the enrolment of the students in the primary education and adding fruits and vegetables to the scheme will further boost the scheme. The Central Institute of Subtropical Horticulture (CISH) will help the government schools in the UP to make proper use of the funds and land.
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