Centre For Women Studies: UGC issued special guidelines for setting up the centers

A set of guidelines has been released by the University Grants Commission (UGC) for setting up Centre for Women Studies in colleges and universities and the commission has also invited proposals for the same. According to a senior UGC official, "Women studies centers will a have special focus on most marginalized and disadvantaged women in the society. These include women from Schedule Caste and Tribes, women with disabilities, women living in unsafe environments, among others." "A women study centre must pursue a comprehensive, critical and balanced understanding of India's socio-economic realities and governance. Its main components include women’s contribution to society and social processes and their perception of their own lives, the broader social reality and their struggles and aspirations," the official said. These centers will highly focus on the importance of women in the social and global perspective and will develop a curriculum which will focus on the needs of the Indian women inclusive of the society. The center will also suggest methods to build an environment which will help women take more decisive and leadership based roles is diverse sectors. "The centers will be monitored and evaluated periodically by the UGC. Every year, the head of the centre will present a report on the working of the centre to its advisory committee and then submit it to the UGC with minutes or comments of the members. The report will describe achievements and actions taken and will have both quantitative as well as qualitative information," the official said. These centers will be evaluated on the following parameters: TeachingResearchExtension activitiesSeminarsWorkshopsSpecial lecturesField action projects and action researchDocumentation and archive on womenPartnership with other UGC centers and non-UGC centersGovernment schemes and NGOs. "We have sought proposals for setting up of new centers while the existing centers will have to give concurrence in the prescribed format to comply with the new guidelines," the official said.
source https://www.brainbuxa.com/education-news/centre-for-women-studies-ugc-issued-special-guidelines-for-setting-up-the-centers-9215
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