Results for CEED 2019 exam declared

The results for the Common Entrance Exam for Design (CEED) 2019 exam have been declared. The exam is held to grant admissions to the eligible candidates in Masters and Ph.D. programs of the architecture. This year, a total of 5491 candidates appeared for the exam of which only 1179 candidates have qualified it. Divya Lohia from Delhi is the All India Topper in the exam followed by Anurag Sachan from Kanpur and Alen Antony Francis from Ernakulum at second and third positions respectively. The exam was conducted on January 19 and the answer key for the same was released on January 25, 2019. "The CEED 2019 scorecard can be downloaded from March 4, 2019 from this website. It is valid for a period of one year from the date of declaration of the result. The CEED 2019 scorecard cannot be treated as a proof of date of birth, category or disability status," reads the official statement. CEED exam consists of two papers and the final score of the candidate is calculated by giving 25% weight to first paper and 75% weight to the second paper. Candidates who have qualified the exam are eligible for the admission in Master of Design Programs at the following institutes: IISc BangaloreIIT BombayIIT DelhiIIT GuwahatiIIT HyderabadIIITDM JabalpurIIT Kanpur and for the Ph.D. programs in Design at: IISc BangaloreIIT BombayIIT GuwahatiIIT HyderabadIIT Kanpur.
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